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Friday, October 29, 2010


I thought a Best Friend was some one who been with you through thick and thin. I thought a Best Friend was suppose to be some one that will get over something real quick. But i don't know. I have a Friend that i always talk about on my blog. Well when something happen between us i thought i was the end over our friendship. I thought that because in friend there's an end in it. But then the day finally came. She came up to me and we became friends again. I thought about it and i told my self maybe friends might not end.... Or maybe it will. Who knows ?


atorres said...

best friends are always going to be there thro everythanq bhut the ones who love and care for uu most will never leave ur side thro anyways always there and always qunna be there when times are ruff i dont really know whoo uu talkinq about in ur blog bhut im always here just memeber thta